If you have ever been at a college party you have most likely seen a few people with their eyes glued to a clock with a shot glass in one hand and a beer can in another. When you see this for the first time most people are extremely confused about what the hell is going on. Well my friends you have just witnessed a game called "Power Hour". The rules to this game are pretty simple, every minute for one full hour (60 mins) you take a shot of beer. The most common way to keep track of time is to sit by a clock and wait patiently till it changes. For most people that can get boring really fast. There must be a better way to go about this. Well for every question their is an answer and the answer here is a little program called simply, Power Hour (Link) This program is extremely simple to use, all you need to run it is 60 songs and iTunes. Firstly you have to make a playlist in your iTunes with 60 songs or more that you want to be entertained by for the full hour of the game. From there the program takes a random 60 seconds from each songs and switches songs when it is time to take each of beer. Lets say you want to play this game spur of the moment and you do not have your laptop on you. Well problem solved, this program also offers a tool were it can generate a full CD or iPod Power Hour playlist so you can take the game on the road. Again like most of the programs I feature on this blog it is completely and utterly FREE. Before you try this drinking game let me advise you that during the coarse of this game you will be consuming the equivalent of 7.5 cans of beer. Now that you have discovered this program remember to always drink responsibly and to never drink if you are under legal age.
Thanks For Reading!
Yours Truly,
Joe McGowan
That is awesome!
Such a great idea.
I know! It is pretty flippen tight!
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