Do you remember the days when musical acts like The Backstreet Boys, The Spice Girls, and Hanson ruled the airwaves? Well if you do then you will remember arguably the best video game system of all time...THE N64! It was a god among men, the be all and end all of modern gaming. At its launch all you needed was $200 to call this baby yours. Well times have changed; some people are quick to forget about such a revolutionary gaming council. Now you can pick up an N64 for less then $30 at any used electronics shop. If you still have a place in your heart for games like Mario Kart 64, Golden Eye, and Legend of Zelda, The Ocarina of Time then you will love this program I stumbled upon called SixtyForce(
Link). SixtyForce is considered a Nintendo 64 emulator available only for the Mac. This program can be used to play any N64 game that has been transferred into a ROM file, which is practically EVERY game. All you need is to find a N64 ROM Site(
Link) which can easily be found using Google. Now SixtyForce offers one free version and one version costing only 16 bucks. The $16 version allows you to save game progress witch is really nice but the free version is good enough for most games. This program gives you the ability to play all of the classic N64 games for free. To say the least it will make us old nostalgic gamers have wet dreams.
Thanks For Reading!
Yours Truly,
Joe McGowan